Code of Conduct

  • IDA members will offer value for money as determined by prevailing market conditions.
  • IDA members will conduct all their dealings in a fair and transparent manner and with absolute integrity.
  • Members guarantee that all vehicles sold by them are unencumbered.
  • Members will not assist or get involved in financing or invoicing transactions with financial institutions on behalf of non- approved dealers or operators.
  • Members shall not knowingly sell vehicles which have been involved in total loss accidents, i.e. ‘rebuilds’ to the public. If   such a vehicle should be sold, it must be done on a ‘voetstoots’ or ‘as is’ basis and the client must be fully aware of the status of such a vehicle.
  • Members will not appoint sales staff or managers who have previously been dismissed for misconduct in the motor  trade.
  • Members will not sell vehicles knowing that the kilometre reading on the specific vehicle is suspect.
  • Members will not trade under the ‘park and sell’ concept.
  • Clients will have the right to approach the IDA Executive Management to mediate in cases where differences between   the client and an IDA member could not be agreed upon.